Monday, February 21, 2011


I think I can finally see the surface of things. If you are confused, go back a couple of posts to my "drowning" blog.

I'm not sure what it is, but things are slowly getting better. Which, is a relief. I've been praying a lot lately. As in, more than usual. Things at work feel a lot better. Not 100% but it's better than what it has been. I've been able to plow through my to do lists and get a lot of big orders done and out of the way. I still have a lot to do. But, I'm starting to see the corner of my desk since the pile is slowly disappearing. I just hate doing EVERYTHING there. I have no help. It's okay sometimes since I work well by myself, but with everything that I have to do and then doing everything else, it's SO overwhelming. It's so hard to keep up with everything and do everything. Something has got to give.

It also helped that the sun was out practically all weekend. And, I wore flip flops when I wasn't working. It was nice! I had to paint my toenails though. That chore, clearly, should be left to the professionals. Up close, they look terrible, but in flip flops, they looked decent instead of what they did look like.

So, for now, things seem better. There is hope. And, as always, God is good!


  1. I'm glad you're doing a bit better, girlie. :) Keep your chin up. He is faithful!!

  2. That glimmer of hope is always helpful. If I could get to that point, I believe I'd feel a lot better about life!
