Saturday, October 16, 2010

Chasing Lions

No worries, I won't really be "chasing lions". I'm "leading" a new bible study at Growth Group at church. I'm terrifed because they didn't give us a "leader guide". Just the regular bible study book and said "here you go! have fun with it!" OH gee thanks. I'm used to teaching little 5 year old kids. Not leading a group of adults (all of which are older than I am) on a bible study. So, I'm a little afraid.

The bible study is called "Chase the Lion". It's about "stepping confidently into the unknown" and it's by Mark Batterson. He wants us to challenge the assumption that God wants our lives to be safe. Basically, we should live our life by taking risks for God. Step out boldly. Challenge the "lions" in our lives and learn from them and engage them instead of running away in fear and playing life "safe". Near the end of session one, he writes:

"Somehow our lives seem incomplete. Failing to take a risk is almost like losing the piece of a jigsaw puzzle of your life-it leaves a gaping hole. When we get to the end of our lives, our greatest regrets will be the missing pieces."

Pretty powerful, eh? He ends that part of the session with "In other words, the greatest regret at the end of our lives will be the lions we didn't chase". I don't think he is referring to not going sky-diving, the greatest trip of a life time, not buying the perfect shoes. No, I think he is talking about the forgiveness we never granted, the person we didn't help, not sharing God's word with the lost souls in our lives. The list goes on and on and on.

I hope to be able to blog about this along with the things in my life. I think it fits perfectly into the change I'm wanting and about to experience.

So, do you have any lions that you need to chase?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A fresh start

So, I've decided to make a fresh start with a new blog. Maybe with a new blog, I can write more. Or feel more compelled to write.

Things have changed in life and I couldn't be more excited. I'm going to be an aunt! Officially an aunt...not just one of my friends whose kids call me aunt Vicki. Not that I think any less of those that do! The joy this brings to my heart simply can't be explained. There are no words for it. I'm thrilled to death and I'm already planning a babyshower! Because of this, I'm going to switch rooms and move into the empty room and Meg will move into my current room. My room is warmer and she needs a warmer room. I'm actually kind of excited to move rooms. It's silly. It's been my room for 15 years and while I'll miss it, I look forward for the change. Change is a good thing. Sometimes, I get stuck in these ruts and I can't get out for a while. Like I said, it's silly but I look forward to the change. The "move" is making me purge and get rid of crap that I don't need. We'll be repaiting the empty room to the green that I want. Then, we'll move all my stuff over. After that, we'll tear all the carpet out and repaint my current room for Meg. Plus, we are going to clean up the garage and go through stuff in the attic and find more stuff for the garage sale. I'm liking the whole "purging" thing. It's nice to get rid of the crap you don't need anymore.

Things at work are still decent. 5 days till Jessica's wedding and I couldn't be more excited about it finally being here and being over with. All the stress and fighting and hoopla will hopefully end soon. Hopefully is the key word. We'll see what the followings days and weeks bring. I've been emailing my resume but I haven't heard back from anyone. No one is hiring in this area. It's depressing sometimes but I know that God has big plans for me and when He is ready, He'll let me in on some of the plans. Until then, I'll keep on keeping on and keep on praying. Something will work out soon.

I plan on always ending this blog on a positive note. I've been told that I always know the right things to say at the right time and they always help. SO, I really hope that it will make a difference in someones life. Which is why the url for this blog is called "Vicki's Little Wisdoms". I have a book full of quotes and bible verses that I've collected.

"Life is tough. I recommend getting a manicure and a really cute helmet."

Dream big, kids!